Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Career with Chitwan Medical College

Chitwan Medical College (P) Ltd (CMC) is a quality health care, medical education and research oriented private Institution, which is providing sophisticated diagnostic, therapeutic, emergency and preventive care in various specialty of medical care. The Institution started its academic career in 2008 with Bachelor of Nursing (BN) program being affiliated with Tribhuvan University. CMC has already graduated four batches of BN, two batches of MN and is also successfully running MPH, MSc Clinical Microbiology, MBBS, BDS, BSc Nursing, BSc MLT, BSc MIT, B Pharm, and BPH programs. The Institution has its own teaching hospital which has been providing unparalleled world class clinical services with highly qualified medical professionals in almost all clinical and diagnostic areas.
Applications are invited in various clinical disciplines with the following academic positions:
S.N. Clinical Discipline Professor Associate Professor Lecturer
1. Internal Medicine 1 1 2
2. General Surgery 1 1 2
3. Obstetrics/Gynaecology 2 - -
4. Pediatric 2 - 2
5. Orthopedic 1 - 1
6. Radio-diagnosis 1 1 2
7. Ophthalmology 1 1 1
8. Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) 1 - m

QUALIFICATIONS: As per the rule of Tribhuvan University.

Interested candidates may apply with a covering letter and all the credentials within 21 days to:

E-mail:, Website: Fax No : 977 01 4005041
Only short listed candidates will be invited for the interview.

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