An International NGO in Nepal is seeking four full-time professionals for its newly launched four-year "Youth Employment Project." The project is expected to result in: (i) enhanced access of the targeted youths to quality, relevant and market driven training services, (ii) better employment services for the trained youth; & (iii) improved capacity of youth organizations for policy dialogue at district and national levels. Project strategy consists of capacity building of partner institutions at the national and district levels, promoting youth friendly employment and self-employment services and promoting a network of partnerships between private and public players. All the positions are Kathmandu based with significant travel to the project districts (initially, Saptari, Sunsari, Morang and Dhankuta). Applications are strongly encouraged from candidates belonging to traditionally excluded communities including women.
Application forms and job details are available at Applications should be submitted to or (in case of inability to do so) to GPO Box-158, Kathmandu. Telephone enquiries will not be entertained. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview. The closing date for applications is 15 February 2013.
1. Position: Program Coordinator -1
Job summary: develop standards, guidelines, strategies, M & E tools, ToRs, bidding documents, proposal assessment criteria: conduct training needs assessment, develop and implement training courses; maintain database and monitoring project activities, outputs and outcomes; liaison effectively with the partner institutions.
Minimum qualifications required: Master’s Degree in business management or relevant field with at least seven years of job experience in relevant field and comparable position of responsibilities, and good grounding in technical and vocational education & training.
2. Position: Program Officers - 2
Job summary: Coordinate with district level partners and activities; assist in forming district coordination committee or district alliance, partners' capacity building activities, seminars; liaise with youth organizations to form inclusive youth groups, and build their capacity for policy dialogue; and upload all training events in the database.
Minimum qualifications required: Master's Degree in business management or relevant field with at least three years of job experience in relevant field and comparable position of responsibilities, and good grounding in technical and vocational education & training.
3. Position: Administrative Assistant -1
Job summary: Attend and respond to visitors and partners; manage EPABX system, attend phone calls and fax messages, dispatch external correspondences; assist in procurement of supplies and fixed assets; handle travel arrangements (hotel booking, visa) and client meetings; manage files, records, store and support staff.
Minimum qualifications required: Intermediate or equivalent education with at least two years of job relevant experience with relevant employers at comparable position of responsibilities.