DanChurchAid (DCA) is an international development and relief NGO. The regional office in Kathmandu is looking for following well qualified candidates.
For Reqional Communication Officer (RCO), please submit your application by e-mail to dcanepalrco@gmail.com and for Regional Programme Officer (RPO) please submit applications by email to dcanepalrpo@gmail.com . For RCO and RPO positions, interviews are scheduled for 5-6 March 2013 in Kathmandu, Klepal.
Applications sent by e-mail will not be considered. Interviews are scheduled for 4-5 March 2013 in Kathmandu. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

For Reqional Communication Officer (RCO), please submit your application by e-mail to dcanepalrco@gmail.com and for Regional Programme Officer (RPO) please submit applications by email to dcanepalrpo@gmail.com . For RCO and RPO positions, interviews are scheduled for 5-6 March 2013 in Kathmandu, Klepal.
Applications sent by e-mail will not be considered. Interviews are scheduled for 4-5 March 2013 in Kathmandu. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Deadline for applications for all positions is 20th February 2013.
DanChurchAid is an independent Danish faith-based organisation working on humanitarian emergency response; rights based development; information and advocacy in partnership with secular and church-based organisations. DCA is committed to promoting equal opportunities for women and men from different caste, ethnic and religious backgrounds and encourages candidates of diverse backgrounds to apply for all our positions. For further details about DCA visit our website www.danchurchaid.org.