Friday, April 26, 2013

Calling all Radio Play Writers- British Council Nepal

British Council Nepal is holding a series of workshops and competitions to support creativity in the arts

1. BBC Worldwide Radio Play Writing Workshop (29 May)

Win the chance to have your play recorded and aired on the BBC World Service and win a trip to London.

Criteria for application:

Short bio-data

Synopsis of a play for six characters, for a length of 53 minutes

Synopsis to be no more than 400 words.

2. British Council Nepal 15 minutes Radio Play Writing Workshop (30 May)

Win the chance to have your play recorded and aired on Nepali radio.

Criteria for application:

Short bio-data

Synopsis of a play for four characters, for a length of 15 minutes

Synopsis to be no more than 200 words.

3. Intermediate Radio Play Workshop (31 May)

Criteria for application:

Open to participants of last year’s workshop and to experienced writers working in radio

Short bio-data

Submit a scene or scenes prior to the workshop, to be discussed within the class environment as part of the workshop

4. One-to-One Surgeries

For anyone wanting 30 minutes in private to discuss their work with the renowned writer and director from the UK, Andrew Rajan.

Criteria for application:

Short bio-data

Synopsis, completed plays, or ideas and early structure or character choices before a script exists that you want to discuss

Capacity for each workshop is only 20 seats. Registration on first come first served basis and registration fee for each workshop is NPR 3000/workshop, which is to be paid after being shortlisted.

While applying for the workshop, please specify the workshop type and send in the required documents by e-mail to

Registraion for the workshop closes by 5:00 PM, 13 May 2013.

Registration for British Council Nepal 15 minutes Radio Play Writing Competition closes by 5:00 PM, 31 July 2013.
Visit our website for details on the workshops and competition.

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