Nepal Police School, Samakhusi, a non-profit making coeducational service oriented day school under management of Nepal Police Welfare Trust, announces vacancies for the following posts.
1. Computer Science B.Sc. IT/M.Sc.lT Secondary 1
2. Computer Science Diploma in Computer Engineering / B.Sc. IT Lower Secondary 1
3. English M.Ed./B.Ed. Lower Secondary 1
4. English +2 English or Equivalent Primary 1
Only the short listed candidates will be called for interview.
Candidates have to appear written exam & class demonstration.
Salary and benefits will be equivalent to Nepal Government's rules and regulations.
Candidates for applying the post should fulfill all the required qualifications determined by Nepal Government and should pass at least in the second division with more than 50% marks obtain in the subject preferred teaching in the respective levels.
All the interested and capable candidates are encouraged to apply with handwritten application, pp sized photo and copies of academic certificates by 2070/01/07.
Nepal Police School
Samakhusi, Kathmandu, Tel: 01-4356160