Thursday, February 28, 2013

Career at Tara Air Pvt.

Tara Air Pvt. Ltd. is looking for a smart dynamic person for the post of Director Operations.

Director Operations -1
The incumbent must have:

a) Pilot experience of minimum 16,000 flying hours including on DHC-6/300 or Dornier (DO-228)

b) Over 6 Years of Management experience in aviation is essential.

Interested candidates are requested to apply in person or Email within 7 days from the first publication date of this notice. Please enclose your bio-data, testimonials, reference letters and photocopy of citizenship certificates.

Those who do not meet the above mentioned criteria should not apply. Only short-listed candidates will be called for interview.

Tara Air Pvt. Ltd, Tilganga, Kathmandu. P.O. Box: 20011

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